
To Make An Appointment:
Please call (02) 9188 1520 to arrange for an appointment. We are located on the ground floor of the Binet Building at 3 Carlingford Road, Epping (next to Coles).

Clinic Hours
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
If you need to see a cardiologist urgently at the rooms, it will be necessary for your GP to contact us to ensure you receive a timely appointment.

What To Bring
Medicare card
A current referral from your GP or specialist
Private health fund details
Pension or Department of Veteran's Affair (DVA) cards or other applicable concession cards
List of current medications
Latest blood test results (if available)
If you are booked for a stress test, please bring or wear comfortable walking shoes or joggers.

If you are experiencing chest pain, extreme breathlessness or loss of consciousness please call 000 or visit the emergency department of your nearest hospital.

In order to be eligible to receive a medical rebate, a current referral from your GP or another specialist is required. Referrals from GPs are generally valid for 12 months and referrals from specialists are valid for 3 months.

If you are unable to come to your scheduled appointment, please give at least 24 hours notice of cancellations so that your appointment may be given to someone else.

Full payment will be required on the day of your consultation or the test.

Conditions of Entry
Please review our Conditions of Entry prior to your appointment.